Acne Treatment Options and Expert-Approved Tips

Learn what acne is, what causes it, what makes it worse, and what non-drug measures and acne treatment you can take to help.
Remember the time when you shied away from a social gathering because a zit had grown over the week? Or when you felt hesitant to speak on stage, worried about the pimples that peppered your face?
Acne is a relatively common skin condition that may not be a health threat but can lead to a lot of emotional and social discomfort. These embarrassing spots can affect anyone, from teenagers to professors!
Most often found on the face, upper back, shoulders, and chest, these persistent blemishes could last for a long time if left untreated. Moreover, prolonged periods of acne could affect self-confidence, impinging into social and work life.
However, science has ensured that there are plenty of ways to limit the condition’s occurrence and spread. Before finding the right acne treatment solutions, finding out what causes it is essential.
Let’s get started!
What Causes Acne?
Cutibacterium acnes (or C. acnes), earlier known as Propionibacterium acnes, is a bacterium present in the skin’s pores. Oil and metabolic byproducts of the cell are their energy source. So, higher oil production or blockage of the pores can lead to increased growth of the bacteria. This growth can result in inflammation that results in acne.
What Triggers Acne
The following factors could make your acne worse or trigger it.
1. Over-Active Hormones
During puberty, hormones secreted result in an increased production of sebum or oil. Changes in hormone levels while taking oral contraceptives during the menstrual cycle and pregnancy can also lead to acne.
2. Family History
As with other characteristics, acne too runs in the family. Some people are prone to acne due to their genetic variants.
3. Drugs
Certain medications that include corticosteroids, lithium or even testosterone can increase the risk of acne.
4. Stress
Stress is also an important factor that can worsen or trigger acne. Since acne itself can lead to increased stress levels, it is best to treat it as soon as possible.

5. Diet
A diet high in processed carbohydrates and fats is associated with worsening of symptoms.
6. Cosmetics
The use of harsh chemicals or letting makeup stay on overnight can clog pores and result in acne. It is vital to remove all makeup before bedtime. Practicing a good bedtime regimen will help your skin remain healthy and acne-free.
7. Sweat
Excessive sweat can trigger acne or worsen it for some people, especially in skin areas restricted under damp clothing.
Natural Acne Treatment Options
1. Wash Your Face Regularly
Use a special soap or body wash that contains tea tree oil to control the spread of acne.
2. Wash Your Hair Regularly
If you have an oily scalp, remember to wash regularly. The excess oil on your scalp could make your face oily and trigger another bout of acne.
3. Do Not Squeeze Acne
It may be tempting to squeeze out acne, especially when you step out for an important meetup. However, when you burst a pimple, it releases more sebum and debris, triggering excessive acne. Let your skin heal without physical disruption.
4. Don’t Prioritize Tanning
Tanning damages your skin, especially when you get it in a tanning parlour. Moreover, some of the medications used to control acne make the skin sensitive to UV radiation. Therefore, avoiding tanning beds is a good option. Additionally, ensure that you always use sunscreen, even when you are indoors.

5. Be Gentle With Your Skin
Acne-prone skin is highly sensitive and should be treated with care. When you use harsh methods, it could prove counter-productive in your pursuit of remaining acne-free. Use your fingertips to apply acne creams or lotions, like tea tree oil. A harsh sponge rub or even intense face scrubs could damage skin and give rise to acne.
6. Keep Your Fingers Away
If you have the habit of running your fingers on your face, as most people do, then its time you stopped doing it. The dirt and grime on your fingers could rub off on your face and result in your pores getting clogged. So, cultivate the habit of keeping your fingers away from your face.
Get Started With Acne Treatment Today
The prolonged occurrence of acne and improper treatment methods could lead to acne scars, both emotional and physical. Understanding your unique needs and triggers is essential to keep acne at bay.
Some people may require acne treatment with specific medication. In contrast, others may have a vitamin deficiency that is a cause for acne. In this case, a physical examination will help in providing the right medication.
The helpful tips in this post will aid in limiting symptoms and prevent triggering a full-blown episode. However, some people need more intense treatment. Thankfully, there are over-the-counter and prescription treatments available.
Our Pharmacists at Wellness Pharmacy have helped many people with acne, ranging from mild to severe cases. Their experience and expertise will help find practical acne treatment solutions that will give you blemish-free skin, letting you put your best face forward!
Contact or visit us today here to speak with a Pharmacist!