How Does a Tuberculosis Skin Test Work And Who Needs One?

A tuberculosis skin test is one of the most common ways to screen for tuberculosis exposure. Here’s how it works and why you may need one.
You may have heard of tuberculosis (TB) skin testing, but you aren’t exactly sure what it is or how the test can help you.
That’s okay! It’s a lot to take in, and we’re here to help.
Skin testing is one of the ways healthcare professionals can screen for tuberculosis (TB) or past exposure to TB, so it’s important to know what your test results mean—and what happens after that.
In this article, we’re sharing what you can expect when you get tested for TB, when it’s needed, and how it works. Additionally, we’ll review what tuberculosis is and how you can reduce your risk.
Let’s get started.
How Does a Tuberculosis Skin Test Work And Who Needs One?
Before explaining the process of a TB skin test, let’s first go over the basics.
What is Tuberculosis?
Tuberculosis (TB) is a disease caused by the bacteria Mycobacterium tuberculosis. It is spread from person to person through the air during acts such as coughing, sneezing, or even speaking. The bacteria typically attack the lungs, but they can also damage other body parts.
It may come as a surprise that TB isn’t an easy disease to catch: you can’t get it from touching someone with TB or from sharing their dishes or clothes. Instead, you have to be exposed to their germs in the air and inhale them.
Common Tuberculosis Symptoms
Tuberculosis is usually a slow-moving infection. This means symptoms can take years to appear after being initially infected with the bacteria.
Common symptoms of active tuberculosis of the lungs include:
- Cough that lasts 2-3 weeks or more
- Spit that contains blood
- Fever
- Night sweats
- Loss of appetite
- Random or unexplained weight loss
- Fatigue
- Chest pain
- Shortness of breath
If you have a latent TB infection, the bacteria in your body are dormant and may never lead to an active infection. However, the best way to ensure that it doesn’t turn into an active case is to maintain a strong immune system.
Additionally, you should speak with your doctor if you believe you have been exposed to someone with an active TB disease.

What is a Tuberculosis Skin Test and How Does it Work?
If your physician suspects you might have TB, they will perform a TB skin test to determine whether or not you are carrying the disease.
A tuberculosis (TB) skin test is a test that checks if your body has been exposed to TB bacteria before, not whether or not you currently have TB in your body. During your test, you will receive an injection of a test substance called Tubersol® just under the skin of your forearm, and then your arm is checked 48-72 hours later.
If you have been exposed to the bacteria, there will be a hard bump under your skin where the injection was given. This means you have a positive TB skin test result and may need a TB blood test, chest X-ray, or sputum samples.
However, no bump will develop if you have not been exposed to TB bacteria. This means you do not have any tuberculosis germs in your body.
When is a TB Skin Test Needed?
If you think you may have TB, you should see a doctor immediately—especially if you are also experiencing shortness of breath and coughing up blood. If left untreated, TB can become life-threatening.
Additionally, you should get a TB skin test if you:
- Require it for work or school
- Require it before starting a new medication that affects your immune system (require physician referral)

Where Can I get a TB Skin Test?
If you require a tuberculosis skin test, you can book an appointment at your local Wellness Pharmacy. You can find a complete list of our locations here.
You can also contact your local health unit as well.
How Much Does a TB Skin Test Cost?
If you need a TB skin test for a medical reason, it may be covered by BC MSP or other program. Otherwise, it is an out-of-pocket cost.
Final Thoughts
In conclusion, tuberculosis is a serious disease that can have significant impacts on your health. For this reason, it’s important to know if you have been exposed to it. A tuberculosis skin test is an effective and easy way to determine this.
At Wellness Pharmacy, we want to keep you healthy and safe. That’s why we’re proud to offer TB skin testing to all of our patients.
Finally, if you have any further questions about tuberculosis or TB skin tests, contact our team of expert pharmacists here. You can also contact your local health unit as well.